Webhooks Implementation Guide
Webhooks allow developers to subscribe to specific events and receive real-time notifications. This guide will walk you through the process of subscribing to events, managing subscriptions, and understanding the types of events available. How to Subscribe to Events To subscribe to an event, you need to send a POST request to the Repliers webhooks endpoint with the target URL and the event you want to subscribe to. Here's an example:Some readersUsing the listing.updated Webhook for Saved Searches and Favorite Listings
Our real estate APIs offer a variety of features for developers, one of which is the webhook functionality. In particular, the listing.updated webhook can be very useful for keeping users informed about updates to their favorite listings and saved searches that aren't supported by Repliers' integrating messaging and notifications. This article will guide you through the process of using the listing.updated webhook to notify users about specific changes to their favorite listings and saved searchFew readersUnderstanding Webhooks: How They Work and Why They Matter
If you're new to webhooks or find the concept a bit technical, don't worry. This article will break down what webhooks are and why they’re a powerful tool for users of our real estate APIs and data infrastructure. You’ll learn how webhooks can help streamline your processes, save time, and make your systems work smarter. What Are Webhooks? Webhooks are like instant notifications your systems can act on. Imagine someone ringing your doorbell to let you know a package has arrived. Instead ofFew readers