Changing the Cover Image of Property Listings with AI-Powered CoverImage Parameter
When using our real estate API, you can enhance the user experience by utilizing the coverImage parameter. This feature allows you to change the first image of each listing in the response to a desired type of image, such as a "Kitchen." Typically, the exterior photo of a property is the first image shown, but with the coverImage parameter, you can modify this behavior to better suit your users' needs. Understanding the CoverImage Parameter The coverImage parameter is powered by AI andFew readersListing Images Implementation Guide
Repliers offers a robust Listing Images Content Delivery Network (CDN) that allows developers to embed and dynamically resize/format property photos seamlessly. This feature brings significant cost and time savings, enhances performance through shared caching, and mitigates the need for manual image monitoring. CDN URL Structure For listings with available images, an "images" array will be present. Here's an example listings array:Popular