Sold Comparables & Similar (Active) Listings Selection Logic
Repliers makes it easy to get Sold Comparables and Similar (Active) Listings for any given property. This is particularly useful for creating a detailed property page, helping your users make more informed decisions with enriched information. Sold Comparables When a new listing hits the market, we check the MLS history for similar listings. Here's what we consider when identifying comparables: Status (sold, leased, or off-market) Proximity to the new listing Same number of bedroomsFew readersHow to Find Comparable Sold or Leased Properties
When working with our API, you might need to find comparable properties that have been sold or leased, based on specific attributes of a subject property that isn't listed on the MLS. Below, we will demonstrate how to perform this search using various parameters. Example Scenario Suppose you have a property for sale in New York, with the following attributes: Bedrooms: 3 Property Type: Apartment Size: 1000 sqft Location: Latitude 40.0, Longitude -80 To find similar sold properFew readersAccessing Historical Listings for an Address
When working with real estate listings, understanding the historical context of a property can be crucial. At Repliers, our API provides comprehensive access to both current and historical listing data. Here’s how you can access this information through our API. History For Addresses With An Active Listing For active listings (status: A), our API includes a "history" object within the listing data itself. This object contains an array of historical transactions for the address. Here's anFew readers