lastStatus Definitions
Bellow is as list of lastStatus abbreviations as well as their full description. Note, that some real estate boards support more values than others. For example, "Deal Fell Through" is used in the Toronto Real Estate Board but not others. To get a list of all supported lastStatus values for your real estate board you can use the following requests: GET /listings?aggregates=lastStatus&status=U&listings=false to get all possible values for Unavailable (U) listings. GET /listings?aggregatesSome readersThe Permissions Object
Each listing has a permissions object that looks like this: permissions: displayAddressOnInternet: 'Y', displayPublic: 'Y', displayInternetEntireListing: 'Y' Here's an explanation of what the keys and values mean: Y = Yes N = No displayAddressOnInternet This indicates whether or not the listing's address can be displayed on internet portals. displayPublic This indicates whether or not the listing should require sign in. Typically all unavailable listings requirFew readersConsiderations When Displaying the 'Days On Market' Field
Considerations When Displaying the Days On Market Field When assessing the Days On Market (DOM) field, it is crucial to recognize that its value is dependent on the last "updatedOn" timestamp. For instance, if a property listing shows a DOM of 10, but the "updatedOn" timestamp is from 10 days ago, the effective DOM would actually be 20 days. This temporal gap can affect the perceived freshness and appeal of the listing. To ensure accuracy, we recommend calculating the DOM by finding the difFew readers