Articles on: Property History

Sold Comparables & Similar (Active) Listings Selection Logic

Repliers makes it easy to get Sold Comparables and Similar (Active) Listings for any given property. This is particularly useful for creating a detailed property page, helping your users make more informed decisions with enriched information.

Sold Comparables

When a new listing hits the market, we check the MLS history for similar listings. Here's what we consider when identifying comparables:

Status (sold, leased, or off-market)
Proximity to the new listing
Same number of bedrooms
Same transaction type (sale or lease)
Sold/leased within the past three months
Year built within +/- 10 years of the new listing
Square footage within +/- 200 sq. ft. of the new listing
Same property type or style
Sold/leased price within +/- 10% of the new listing's list price

Listings that match these criteria are included in the "comparables" section for the new listing.

Similar (Active) Listings

Our Get Similar Listings Endpoint finds active listings that are similar to a given property. Here's what we consider for these listings:

Status (active, on-market)
Same transaction type (sale or lease)
Same property type
Same number of bedrooms
Same neighborhood

You can also use optional parameters to refine your search:

radius: If specified, the search focuses on similar properties within this radius (in kilometers), ignoring the neighborhood criterion.
listPriceRange: If specified, the search includes properties with a list price within the given range.
For more details on optional parameters, please refer to our API Reference for Similar Listings.

Why Are Sold Comparables or Similar Listings Not Found?

If zero listings meet our selection criteria for Sold Comparables or Similar Listings, it's usually because the property in question is unique or located in a remote area. For instance, while it's common to find many Sold Comparables and Similar Listings for a downtown apartment, it may be challenging to find any for a luxury mansion in the countryside.

Updated on: 29/11/2024

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