How to Find Comparable Sold or Leased Properties
When working with our API, you might need to find comparable properties that have been sold or leased, based on specific attributes of a subject property that isn't listed on the MLS. Below, we will demonstrate how to perform this search using various parameters.
Suppose you have a property for sale in New York, with the following attributes:
Bedrooms: 3
Property Type: Apartment
Size: 1000 sqft
Location: Latitude 40.0, Longitude -80
To find similar sold properties nearby, you can use the following API request: York&propertyType=Apartment&lat=40.0&long=-80&radius=2&minBeds=3&maxBeds=3
status=U: This parameter ensures that you are looking for properties that are unavailable, meaning they have been sold or leased.
lastStatus=Sld: This parameter filters the listings to only include those that have been sold. Specify Lsd to find rental listings.
type=sale: This specifies that you are interested in properties that were for sale. Specify lease to find rental listings.
minSqft=950 & maxSqft=1050: These parameters set a range for the square footage of the properties, allowing for a 50 sqft variance around the subject property's size of 1000 sqft.
city=New York: This ensures that the search is limited to properties within New York.
propertyType=Apartment: This filters the listings to only include apartments.
lat=40.0 & long=-80: These parameters set the central point of the search based on the latitude and longitude of the subject property.
radius=2: This sets the search radius to 2 kilometers around the specified latitude and longitude.
minBeds=3 & maxBeds=3: These parameters ensure that the search results only include properties with exactly 3 bedrooms.
Determine Property Attributes: Gather the attributes of the subject property, including location, size, type, and number of bedrooms.
Set Parameters: Use the property attributes to set the appropriate parameters in your API request.
Adjust Range: If needed, adjust the range parameters (e.g., minSqft, maxSqft, radius) to broaden or narrow the search.
Execute Request: Make the API request using the constructed URL.
By using our API and the appropriate parameters, you can efficiently find comparable properties that have been sold or leased. Adjust the parameters based on your specific requirements to refine your search results.
Example Scenario
Suppose you have a property for sale in New York, with the following attributes:
Bedrooms: 3
Property Type: Apartment
Size: 1000 sqft
Location: Latitude 40.0, Longitude -80
To find similar sold properties nearby, you can use the following API request: York&propertyType=Apartment&lat=40.0&long=-80&radius=2&minBeds=3&maxBeds=3
Parameters Explanation
status=U: This parameter ensures that you are looking for properties that are unavailable, meaning they have been sold or leased.
lastStatus=Sld: This parameter filters the listings to only include those that have been sold. Specify Lsd to find rental listings.
type=sale: This specifies that you are interested in properties that were for sale. Specify lease to find rental listings.
minSqft=950 & maxSqft=1050: These parameters set a range for the square footage of the properties, allowing for a 50 sqft variance around the subject property's size of 1000 sqft.
city=New York: This ensures that the search is limited to properties within New York.
propertyType=Apartment: This filters the listings to only include apartments.
lat=40.0 & long=-80: These parameters set the central point of the search based on the latitude and longitude of the subject property.
radius=2: This sets the search radius to 2 kilometers around the specified latitude and longitude.
minBeds=3 & maxBeds=3: These parameters ensure that the search results only include properties with exactly 3 bedrooms.
Step-by-Step Guide
Determine Property Attributes: Gather the attributes of the subject property, including location, size, type, and number of bedrooms.
Set Parameters: Use the property attributes to set the appropriate parameters in your API request.
Adjust Range: If needed, adjust the range parameters (e.g., minSqft, maxSqft, radius) to broaden or narrow the search.
Execute Request: Make the API request using the constructed URL.
By using our API and the appropriate parameters, you can efficiently find comparable properties that have been sold or leased. Adjust the parameters based on your specific requirements to refine your search results.
Updated on: 29/11/2024
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