Favorite Listings Implementation Guide

Our real estate APIs offer robust features for managing favorite listings, allowing seamless integration and management of client preferences. This article covers the capabilities and usage of our Favorite Listings Management API, including creating, deleting, listing, filtering, and extended webhook support for real-time updates.

Creating a Favorite

To create a favorite listing, the following parameters must be specified:

mlsNumber: The MLS number of the listing.
clientId: The ID of the client who is favoriting the listing.
boardId: Required for accounts with access to multiple MLSs to ensure the uniqueness of the favorite.

Deleting a Favorite

Favorites can be deleted using the favorite's unique identifier. This operation removes the listing from the client's favorites list.

Listing and Filtering Favorites

Our API allows you to list and filter favorites, enabling you to retrieve a specific client's favorites or apply other filters as needed.

Association with Clients

Favorites must be associated with a client. To create a favorite, you must first create a client using our Clients API resource. Each client you wish to save favorites for requires a unique clientId.

Steps to Create a Favorite

Create a Client (If it's a new user): Use the Clients API to create a new client.
Create a Favorite: Use the Favorites API to add a listing to the client's favorites list.

Extended Support with Webhooks

We provide extended support for favorite listings through webhooks, facilitating real-time event-driven integrations. The following webhook events are supported:

favorite.created: Triggered when a favorite is created.
favorite.deleted: Triggered when a favorite is deleted.

These events can be utilized to trigger workflow automation with other systems. For example, you can notify an agent in their CRM if a client favorites a listing.

Additionally, the listing.updated webhook payload contains an array of favoriteIds, showing whether the updated listing is relevant to any user's favorites. This is useful if you need to notify users who have favorited the listing about any changes.

Example Use Cases for Webhooks

Notify Agents: Automatically notify an agent in their CRM when a client favorites a listing.
Update Systems: Trigger updates in other systems when a favorite is added or removed.

API Reference

For detailed API documentation, please refer to our API Reference for Favorites.

Updated on: 03/07/2024

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